Cards in system

Heya all you awesome people out there.
I am slowly getting more and more a understanding how things work in hassio.
I have gotten to the point where the layout of the cards annoy me a little.
Is there no way i can have one card for example show a glance on top and then a historical graph underneath that? I have photoshopped a pic just to show what I am asking.

Here I have just cut the historical graph and pasted it under the glance card showing the “ovn stue”

That was the first part of my Sunday wondering, :slight_smile: second part is.
Is there a way i can align the cards the way i want them to be. Again using a pic to show what I mean.

I would like to have card 1 on top of card 2 and 3 not scattered around like hassio puts them.
I create the cards in the UI not it the configuration.yaml if that has anything to do with it.

running the latest hassio on raspi 3b+

Kind regards

vertical stack in card
Vertical stack out
Might be what you want.

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checking right now :slight_smile: