Carplay/AppleWatch problems - help needed

Good morning,

I have 2 instances of HA at different locations. The are completely isolated from each other and sharing no resources. Both systems are with the latest version of all components and integrations. They have a similar config. In both cases, the IOS actions are stored in yaml and the config.yaml refer to them as follow:

ios: !include_dir_merge_named includes/ios/

The IOS homeassistant app is set up with two servers: server1 and server2.

The ios.yaml file for server1 is the following:


  - name: Temperatures report MLC
    background_color: "#2AA298"
    # server: server1
      text: Températures MLC
      color: "#ffffff"
      icon: home_thermometer
      color: "#ffffff"
    #show_in_carplay: true
    #show_in_watch: true

and for server2


  - name: Temperatures report ROD
    background_color: "#D65E66"
    #server: server2
      text: Températures ROD
      color: "#ffffff"
      icon: home_thermometer
      color: "#ffffff"
    #show_in_carplay: true
    #show_in_watch: true

When I restart the systems (as suggested by the documentation), only actions from server1 are sync’ed (it takes ages to sync!!). Whatever I do on the server2 side is ignored, the actions do not show up in the app.
I tried merging both ios.yaml file on the server1 side, and differentiating them with

server: server1


server: server2

then I get the following error:

Invalid config for ‘ios’ at includes/ios/ios.yaml, line 5: ‘server’ is an invalid option for ‘ios’, check: ios->actions->0->server

The same error is given if I use the show_in_carplay: or show_in_watch: options.

If I manually create the actions in the homeassistant app, for each servers, it all work perfectly.

What am I doing wrong?