Carrier/Bryant Infinitive Integration

Has anyone had luck with the HomeBridge Infinitive plugin? I’m trying to move all of my HomeKit integrations over to Homebridge and Infinitive is the last one. When I get the HomeBridge plugin going I see an error regarding the display units. As a result it does not work in HomeKit…

So I’m a bit terminal illiterate these days… How do I complete this step? I’m completely lost

  1. Place this file at /etc/systemd/system/infinitive.service: Note: if your RS-485 adapter does not show up as /dev/ttyUSB0 please adjust the file below to reflect the proper device name
Description=Infinitive Service
ExecStart=/opt/go/infinitive -httpport=8080 -serial=/dev/ttyUSB0

You create a file at the location listed in the step with the contents shown in the step.

Yup, that’s my question. I don’t know how to create a file in that location.


touch /etc/systemd/system/infinitive.service

which creates a blank file at that location or

nano /etc/systemd/system/infinitive.service

which creates the file and starts editing it with the nano text editor, allowing you to paste in the necessary text.

Neither of these are HA-specific commands so you may be best served by Google, Stack Overflow, etc., as I’m relatively inexperienced with linux, as well, just learning what I need to for things like this.

One thing to keep in mind, anything in /etc will need root privileges to edit so if you’re not logging in as root you may need to run:

sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/infinitive.service
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/infinitive.service

Thanks! i finally swung back around to this. This got me up and running.

I am having the same issue as a user above in that I’m only getting the Mode and Fan speed. The difference being I have the same thermostat that most are using and is pictured above:

Any advice?

@mww012 - I recently wrote an integration for HA and learned the process for submitting it and am thinking I would like to fork your repo and prepare it for that then submit a pull request to your repo and we could then submit a pull request to have it added to the HA core repo. Thoughts?

@Tj_Davis Sounds good to me! I’ve not done much work on this lately because my home and work lives have decided to take all my free time. Writing a config flow so we can configure this in the WebUI is something that’s been on my list to tackle. I think that’s required for all new integrations now. Are you able to knock that out as well?

Awesome. Yes, I wrote a config flow on the integration I did and have a pretty good handle on that. Another thing I want to do is add a UniqueID using the PI Mac Address and web server port number so that the entity can be customized.

@mww012 and @Tj_Davis I’m using HACS for Infinitive and when I access the Infinitive thermostat in Home Assistant there is no option for turning the Infinity off - just cool, heat, auto. I’m passing the thermostat from HA to HomeKit it’s the same issue. When I turn the thermostat off at the actual unit it causes a “no response” in HomeKit. Any thoughts? I don’t remember this being an issue before.

EDIT: I just saw a post from 2019 indicating “Off” was never a feature. I guess I never noticed before!

Np. Yeah, I originally tried to implement “off” but it the infinitive api didn’t seem to know how to tell the unit to actually turn off. I can take another swing at it if it’s important to you.

Does anyone use the Auto or Heat/Cool mode on their thermostats? I set the thermostat to Heat/Cool this morning (pressing the red and blue buttons simultaneously) but HA still shows the Infinitive state as Heat. The Infinitive local web UI does show Auto, however.

Has anyone else experienced this or is it a known issue? I’m running the latest component version.

I tend to have the unit off pretty regularly… if it’s something you can give a shot at fixing I’d appreciate it!

I don’t believe the fan mode has an OFF. It’s not a physical choice on the thermostat. The only way I’ve been able to run the fan is by physically putting the thermostat in ‘Hold’ mode so that the unit doesn’t heat or cool. So maybe adding 'hold to HA is the workaround. Right now my issue is when I set a new temperature, it sets the ‘Hold’ timer to 120 minutes and then reverts back to its preset setting. Can this be fixed or a method add to HA to turn the ‘Hold’ On or Off.

Let me know if I can help.


Disregard my own comment regarding Auto and Heat/Cool - I just tried it again and it worked as expected. No issues.

@mww012 any chance you’ve been able to look in to the “off” option? I’d be happy to help with the testing!

Having a way for the “off” mode to work would be great. Anyway to get it to work like it is on the hvac IP:8080 dashboard?

That was my original plan. For some reason the infinitive api didn’t like the ‘off’ command being sent. I’ll take another swing at it. I’ll try to get to it before this weekend.

Sorry for the lack of response guys. Life and work are giving me little free time lately.

@mww012 no need to be sorry. You have been amazing on getting this integration working. We can only thank you and this little extra “off” mode is just a cherry on top.