Carrier/Bryant Infinitive Integration

@mww012 Looks like @damclarkd had the clue that pointed me in the right direction. In active cooling\heating operation, the Carrier algorithm takes control of Fan Speed. I was getting confused by the fan speed not changing as I changed Fan setting and then going idle after setpoint was reached in Cooling mode. Now I know that is what is supposed to happen. So to your questions

  1. When in active cooling, (A/C running) the actual Fan speed does not change when changing the setting. Once setpoint is reached and HVAC goes Idle and the fan stops. As @damclarkd indicated, after a period of time, the Fan kicks in then goes to the Fan Speed I set. Carrier wants the condensate pan to drain before it turns on the blower as part of Smart Dehumidify feature.
  2. Thats the part that got me initially confused, while in active cooling, I can change the Fan speed setting on the UI, Thermostat card or Infinity Thermostat and the change is reflected on all interfaces, but the actual fan rpms does not change until the system goes idle (I did not realize this was by Carrier design). Then after a while, the fan starts and goes to the Fan Speed I previously set.
  3. No

Great education!! Thanks for your support and to @damclarkd for helping to uncover the magic!!

Wanted to pass on this observation, in the Infinitive UI, while in active cooling, the UI indicates Mode: Heat Stage 1: . Should probably report the value of hvac_action attribute “cooling” in this case


corresponding climate.infinitive state attributes:
preset_modes: home, Hold
current_temperature: 74
temperature: 74
fan_mode: medium
hvac_action: cooling
preset_mode: home
current_humidity: 59
target_humidity: 56
blower_rpm: 627
stage: 1
override_duration: 103
airflow_cfm: 450
outdoor_temp: 74
aux_heat: false
heatpump_coil_temp: 76.5625
heatpump_outside_temp: 73.8125
heatpump_stage: 2
friendly_name: Infinitive
supported_features: 25

Hi all, just started working on this. To recap: I have my HA running on RPi4 now for several years. I have several custom integrations like Emporia home energy monitor, custom blinds etc. I’ve always wanted to add my HVAC and did not know this existed and in fact ordered Google Nest to replace the current non touch Carrier proprietary thermostat. I would have lost a lot of the features of the furnace like variable fan speed etc. Since I found this I cancelled Google Nest. I had a RPi 3 around, installed a fresh RPi OS but now having trouble installing Infinitive.
Can someone please refresh the steps to configure it?
I did this as per an old post to install Infinitive on an RPi 3 to connect to my furnace.:

  1. Setup Raspbian install to have a fixed IP on my network
  2. Installed git → “sudo apt-get install git”
  3. Installed go → “sudo apt-get install golang-go”
  4. Configure go home folder (i think this is optional) → “export GOPATH=/root/go”
    Note: no spaces before and after “=” or else it does not work.
    if this step is omitted “go” download in “/home/pi/go” - if pi is your username on the RPi
  5. get the Infinitive project → "sudo go get "
    (if you keep “go” in /home/pi/go sudo is not needed)
    this reports an error:
    “package io/fs: unrecognized import path “io/fs”: import path does not begin with hostname”
    it has to do with “go” download not really with Infinitive but I don’t know how to fix it…
  6. "go build "
    because of the prev error this does not work with a similar error message

I have no experience with “go” language. Can anyone help
If I download the compiled version of “Infinitive” with "wget " it seems to be working I am still waiting for my USB to RS485 adapter to confirm.
I just think it would be better to build it with “go” in case i want to change it in the future.

Either way I hope this helps others who start now with this integration


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Have been reading old stuff… @mww012 has it all covered here: GitHub - mww012/hass-infinitive: Infinitive Climate Integration for Home Assistant. Everything working now. Thank you all !!!

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So it looks like Infinitive should work even after the upcoming MQTT change they’re making (which breaks Infinitude)

As an alternative, has anyone looked at re-implementing this approach? GitHub - grivkees/homebridge-carrier-infinity: Standalone homebridge plugin for Carrier Infinity / Bryant Evolution / ICP Brands Ion thermostats.

@amattas I haven’t seen that homebridge integration but it looks interesting. Good find.

As far as Infinitive, it doesn’t rely on MQTt at all so it shouldn’t affect our integration.

After digging through the code, it looks like the homebridge plugin needs the Carrier/Bryant wifi thermostat. If you have one that may be a good alternative. Unfortunately I’ve got an old “non-smart” thermostat so I’ve got to stick with Infinitive.

I’m in the opposite boat, I wish I had the old one! I may take a pass at converting it to HASS.

Hopefully someone can make an addon using this method, since I rely on infinitude.

What would be the alternative approach? Homebridge addon?

Maybe, but I think a native solution would be better. It shouldn’t be too complicated since HASS gives you a lot of the helpers needed for OAUTH already.

So, I have EXACTLY the same behavior as that which you report: Mode and Fan speed work fine, but nothing else shows at all. Did you ever resolve the issue?

I never did get it sorted out. Recently the furnace ended up having to be replaced so I upgraded to something that didn’t require a proprietary thermostat and went with an Ecobee.

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Has anyone ever tried this with this HAT? I’d like to be able to enclose this all in a nice project case.

Careful - neither this integration nor the underlying infinitude service has been updated in quite a while. You may have issues if your Carrier unit has recent firmware.
While I’d prefer a local solution, I’ve found that this GitHub - dahlb/ha_carrier: Carrier Infinity Integration for Home Assistant is up-to-date and works well, albeit via the Carrier Cloud API.

Thanks. I can’t use that as my thermostat is the old one without WiFi.

So, the RS485 HAT I posted works fine with my non-wifi thermostat if anyone in the future wants to avoid having a USB dongle so everything fits in one case.

Infinitive still seems to work fine. As does the climate entity itself. Adding attributes from the climate entity appears broken, so the integration could use some work. I’ll take a look at that in due time.

Nice find.
Not sure what you mean about entities appear broken? Are you running the Infinitive program from GitHub - acd/infinitive: Infinitive impersonates a SAM on a Carrier Infinity system management bus on the Pi? That should be all you need. Then use the Pi’s IP and port port in the HA integration

Hi bihoward2:
Have you made a case for a Pi zero and the CAN Hat? Using a Pi zero would make this a nice package.


It works fine in the API, and in the infinitive card in HA if you click on the device. But if you add an entity card with the entity and a number of attributes, like Current Temp, it says Unknown for the value.

Edit: It looks like it is actually not so much broken as incomplete. The underlying api wrapper doesn’t even appear to be trying to retrieve the current temp, let alone a multitude of other things offered by the underlying infinitive driver. I was wrong, the 70 degree shows in my screenshot is the targetTemp, not currentTemp.

It’s fine within the entity itself:

I haven’t, yet. I may eventually. I’m debating trying to re-write infinitive itself in node.js so it could be improved a bit.