Casambi and Home Assistant


I’m planning to start with Home Assistant, but would like to know a few things which are Casambi related:

  1. Anno 2024, what’s the situation about Casambi integration in HA? Are there good integrations available? If so, which ones? Do they need some dev key I should acquire as a user?
  2. How easy is it to code an integration myself, in the sense of availability of the Casambi API (dev key needed? What does it cost? Is it guaranteed to get it?) and feature-wise (how fleixble is it? Are a lot of features possible? Or is it way too strict/closed?)?
  3. More concretely: let’s say I would like something complex, like when a water leak is detected by a Zigbee water sensor, is then possible to put on a certain Casambi bulb/luminary (through HA of course)? Or let’s say I want to turn off a group of Casambi bulbs/luminaries, when another certain bulb is on for a certain amount of time? Are these types of things possible? If so, I would guess integration is quite good. Or do I see this wrongly?
  4. What’s supported best on HA? Casambi or Zigbee based stuff?

Thanks for getting me on track!


  1. Get the casambi-bt-hass integration (search in HACS for lkempf, the name of the creator). If your home assistant instance is too far away, use an ESP32 bluetooth proxy. I have this one (via PoE): ESP32-POE - Open Source Hardware Board See on how to install the firmware.
  2. Ask the developer of the existing integrations (either the bluetooth one or the one via the cloud API)
  3. This works very well!
  4. Zigbee has been around longer but I don’t think it supports as many features as casambi. I think people usually get into casambi because they buy
    fancy design lighting solutions, where casambi is becoming common. It supports large wireless networks and allows for control of light temperature, brightness, light color,… Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think zigbee supports this without a proprietary zigbee hub that is specific to your light bulb. That’s the advantage of casambi!
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