This weekend I replaced a bunch of my old Insteon switches with Caseta. I have both integrated into HA (Insteon via ISY) and I have one automation that is tied to when the kitchen lights turn on/off to turn on/off the under cabinet lights (Hue). With the Insteon switches the under cabinet lights turned on basically instantaneously when I hit the switch. With the Caseta switch there is a full 6 second delay from when the Caseta lights turn on/off to when the under cabinet lights react. its kind of annoying as you hit switch and wait for it, wait for it, is this gonna work?, wait for it, ahhh, ok there they are…
Is this expected behavior? Is there anything that I can do to improve this? the automation is triggered by the state change of the kitchen lights.
I have similar automations where floor/table lamps are triggered by state change of the ceiling (Caseta switch or dimmer) lights.
There is maybe up to a 2 second delay when operated from the wired switch/dimmer. Still more than I would prefer, but livable. Timing seems like the state change doesn’t fire until the Caseta transition time is completed (even though there isn’t a transition for a non-dimmer switch).
The non-Caseta lights react without delay when the Caseta lights are turned on/off via a linked Pico or automation.