Cast Frigate Birdseye to Google Chromecast at the push of a button?

Hello everyone,

I am looking for some advice on this project I am working on. I currently have the beginnings of it but needs some help to get it all the way there! :grin: I am hoping the brilliant minds :brain: of the community can help!

I have been able to successfully cast my cameras from Frigate to my Chromecast using an automation and helper. But I can only cast one camera at a time and only the live view. Basic operation is: click the “side camera” button, the side camera live view is cast to the TV. Click the “front camera” button and boom :boom: front camera live view right there on the TV! That is fantastic and all but having to switch between the cameras to see anything is annoying. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Now with Frigate Birdseye I have it set up to only show the camera when an object is detected, the most basic of set ups really, and it is awesome! But I have to leave Birdseye open on my computer screen if I want to really benefit from it.

My question: how do i combine the two? I would like to be able to push a button on my phone and have Birdseye cast to my TV, only showing the camera that has detected an object, and then going dark after the object is gone.

Been at a lost as to how to get that implemented so any ideas are welcome! I will also happily share it as a configuration for everyone else if we can get it up and running!!

Send actionable notification to you phone with this

You will need to add a tag: to this notification.

I would likely have a sensor that hold the event id that triggered the notification

The action will trigger an automation that open the event ID in birdseye

The purpose of tag is to ensure you don’t have multiple notifications on phone and trigger incorrect one. It will always replace with latest. You can use an else/if for the notification and have multiple tags for each camera

If front, tag:front
Else if back, tag:back

Something like that. This allows sending independent camera but if I forgot this was for birdseye so not needed and event id and sensor not needed, just mqtt trigger and actionable notification

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Ill give this a try tonight! Thanks for the post! :grin: