Cast images from my folders as canera

Many integrations support camera, but not support video stream. Let’s make virtual camera with home pictures and videos, which repeats

Can you give an example of how you would use this?

You want to bring back a little bit of nostalgia with a digital picture frame from the noughties ? :grimacing:

I’d rather not :slight_smile:

That could be done with a triggered template image integration.

  - trigger:
      - platform: time_pattern
        minutes: "/3"
    image: "{{ 'local/file_'~range(1,11)|random~'.jpg' }}"

You just have to name your files file_1.jpg, file_2.jpg … file_10.jpg.

Yes, digital picture frame

See my post above. it picks a random photo every three minutes.

You could change the template to cycle through in sequence if you wish.