I have a script that I’ve seen work yesterday evening. It kickoff a YouTube video playlist.
alias: Youtube Hardcode_kidrock
- service: media_player.play_media
entity_id: media_player.wcast_tv
media_content_id: >-
{"app_name": "youtube", "playlist_id":
"PLJ2hx9Xyf-QpN0qhaLJjaiMKgz2kyBM2x", "media_id": "MOWDb2TBYDg"}
media_content_type: cast
mode: single
This morning I ran it again and I get a message saying the Youtube video has been triggered.
I see the following in the related logbook entries:
Youtube Hardcode_kidrock turned on followed by
Youtube Hardcode_kidrock turned off triggered by state of Youtube Hardcode_kidrock turnon
In any case the playlist does not start .
Any ideas why this may be sporadically happening ? Does the second log entry indicate that the script is canceling itself ?
Any help greatly appreciated.