Categorizing entities - Which direction would you go if you were starting new?

I don’t have so many devices yet that I can’t pivot and make prudent changes, but as I add more of varying types I am starting to notice the need for some form of hierarchy/categorization to keep things easily identifiable.

My top four devices account for ~300 entities between them

  • Energy Monitor #1 w/ 60+ entities
  • Energy Monitor #2 w/ 60+ entities
  • Irrigation Controller #1 w/ 100+ entities
  • Irrigation Controller #2 w/ 60+ entities

And while the HA Docs give some basic information for simple scenarios I start to cringe just thinking about how messy it could be to scale wrong :grimacing:

The options I have seen so far.

#1 - Opt for a lengthy naming structure that defines the pertinent information


#2 - Use custom attributes as has been recommended before (but others have commented be “it is not quick or easy to do at scale”)

#3 - Make do with something temporary until something like label support is added someday.

I am open to any recommendations and I am fully aware that I am not familiar enough with the platform to know the correct way to address this issue without a decent risk of making a complete mess that would further complicate my learning curve when I went to use something like Node-Red or InfluxDB/Grafana to work with that data.

Knowing what you know now… Which direction would you go?

To be clear, one person made that comment, so it’s not like there’s a general consensus on the matter.

Option 1 is easy and convenient but can lead to long and unwieldy entity_ids. Plus if you ever want to add another category to several entities, you’ll have to rename each entity, one by one, via the UI. In Option 2 you just add a line in customize.yaml and copy-paste it next to however many other entities you want.

Option 3 appears to have died in development so I wouldn’t bother waiting for it to materialize.