CC2531 - changing USB port

I’m using a CC2531 usb stick directly on my raspi3. Often I get a message "Under-voltage was detected. " My power supply (2,4A output) seams to have enough power but anyway. So I want to reattach the CC2531 to an external usb hub with own power supply but after doing that HA can’t reach the CC2531 but I used the configuration via “by-id”. What could I do?

Then there would be no undervoltage …

Just do it. I don’t see why serial by-id will be influenced by the connection path.

Well Christoph, what should I say: If I unconnect CC2531 I don’t get any undervoltage warnings. And you are right: I shouldn’t have any problems by using serial by-id but I have. Maybe it is one thing: Could it be that the usb hub will not pass-through to the docker container? I could not see something in the hardware info under supervisor that named usb hub or cc2531.

Update: The usb hub is working because the ssd with HA ist connected to the usb hub :slight_smile:

I don´t know why the CC2531 will not shown in system if I connect them to usb hub. But I gave up because there is the same behaviour with my zwave usb stick. So for the records: the problem ist not solved.

Beside of my problem: Where could I change the configuration of the used usb port for an attached usb stick? I didn´t found an option.