CC2652R1 USB stick enable for ZigBee

I am struggling with programming CC2652R1 to enable ZigBee coordinator.

I downloaded the CC2652R_coordinator_20210708.hex file. And installed the "SmartRFtm Flash Programmer 2 ver 1.8.2 from the TI website.

I can’t get the USB stick in programming mode so I can install the .hex file.

If you have suggestions or a how-to it would be great!

My final goal is to get it working with HA and set it up to work with ZHA and connect my ZigBee curtain motors with it.

Kind regards,

I bought electrolama’s zzh and followed this tutorial:

I’m not sure if it works for all CC2652R though, but for me it worked perfectly.

Hi AdmiralStipe,

Thank you for your quick response!
I followed this tutorial but unfortunately, it didn’t solve my problem flashing it.

Kind regards,

Hello Rob8
I need to download the
“SmartRFtm Flash Programmer 2” ver 1.8.2 from the TI website

but at this moment, is under maintenance when i try to regist myself.

could you please share the zip file here?


Thank you all for your help!

Finally, got the CC2651R1 in pairing mode by multiple reflashing the USB stick and following up to check if the pairing mode worked.
It finally works for me!

Thanks again for your patients!
Enjoy the holliday season!

Hi Gustavo,

The forum does not allow you to upload exe files

Please keep on downloading from the TI website.

I followed Flash Firmware using cc2538-bsl - Electrolama
On my Mac and it worked after several re-flashing

If you need any help let me know!

Kind regards,