CCF Gas energy graphic

I’m using home assistant 2024.7.0

I integrated my gas utility meter via rtlamr2mqtt addon with the following config:

  id: 12345678
  protocol: scm+
  name: meter_gas
  format: "######.##"
  unit_of_measurement: CCF
  icon: mdi:fire
  device_class: gas
  state_class: total_increasing

With this, home assistant can properly read the values of my gas meter which can be confirmed by going to Developer tools → States and looking for the value of sensor.meter_gas

As you can see, everything seems to be working properly and the meter is measuring in CCF units to match my electric bill.

However, when I add this sensor to the energy dashboard (under gas consumption) it automatically convert the CCF to FT3. This is weird because home assistant indicates CCF as one of the compatible measurement units and my sensor is already measuring in CCF.

Do anybody knows how to make homeassistant to use CCF as the measurement for GAS in the energy dashboard?

This post seems to ask the same situation that I have but that was in 2023.1 and no resolution was given


This is a screenshot of my Gas energy consumption graphic and as you can see it is using FT3 as the unit of measurement but the sensor is using CCF.

and this is the state of the sensor indicating it is measuring in CCF

I believe energy dashboard graphs always convert to ft3 for imperial, or m3 for metric. Don’t think there’s any way for user to change it.

Based on your comment it sounds like this may be a software limitation but i hope you are wrong.

I mean, what is the point in the energy dashboard accepting a sensor that measures CCF if it’s not going to use it?

At that point just tell the user that the integration only accept sensors en either m3 or ft3 and be done with it, no confusion at all.

It does use the unit to apply the correct conversion ratio.

If you would like to see user selectable units for display on the graph, make a post over in Feature Requests (or vote for existing post if there is one).

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Thanks for the advisement. I will make sure to make a feature request.