Cealing MmWave Radar Detector on the wall

I am looking to add a zigbee mmwave radar detector to control some AC. I am a firm believer that a smart home should be invilible, in order to do that I want to use a radar like this https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006100001485.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.9.65ef2597MFvMif&algo_pvid=a16fc157-81f8-436a-8f4c-e30e1440f7d8&algo_exp_id=a16fc157-81f8-436a-8f4c-e30e1440f7d8-4&pdp_npi=4%40dis!EUR!33.83!17.25!!!36.29!18.51!%40211b8f9717237885231146534e230a!12000035739006211!sea!GR!0!ABX&curPageLogUid=OovQBohwyRH9&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A
but instead of mounting it to the cealing I want to put in the wall so instead of it beeing horizontally it would be vertical. Question is would it work the as good as if I added it to the cealing or will I have problems ?


I’ve had a ceiling designed presence sensor sitting on a shelf waiting for proper installation for… months :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: and it works perfectly in that spot.

This model, but I got it cheaper.

You mean you installed on the wall ?

I have that same model mounted in a wall at about 1.5m from floor and it works great. If you look at the images in your link it shows the cone of detection, it would just be rotated 90 degrees.

No problem at all.
I got one installed behind the couch because normal motion detectors failed when sitting still watching TV. This one even detects you breathing so no more sudden lights out anymore

no, on a shelf. it’s just sitting there on it’s side waiting for me to install it in the ceiling… but it works fine