"central" board for switchboard in small flat


In my switchboard in small flat:
I have connected my light cables from each lamp (in 2 rooms+bathroom etc) through the relays. That was stupid, but was made and I cannot go back with that.

I was planned it as cheap automation which will allow to temporarily make the relay from NC to open position and will hold it - for example - for few hours/overnight maximum.

I also want to add some motion sensors, and would be great to add some BLE sniffing possibilites.

When i was connected this relay board, but… that was long time ago and I have not finished that yet :(.
In that time I thought about ESP32/8266 board to manage that. But at this moment Raspbery Pi Zero is not expensive too much, so, maybe that would be better choice?

In time of writing I thought about features which I would find after finishing work:
0. ota update via esphome/homeassistant

  1. relay control (8 I/O pins)
  2. BLE frames receive and forward - get info from iNode energy meter, miFlora, temp sensors and forward it to Homeassistant, motion tracking
  3. some automation with motion sensors
  4. In future - maybe the USB OTG adapter would be usable with Pi Zero?

Am i correctly thinking ? If that board have support as well as ESP32/8266 board when coming to make some coding in yaml ?

I have homeasistant hosted on proxmox lab server. Next stupid idea from past… ;(