I just paired a CentraLite 3328-G on my Zigbee network. Temperature and Motion sensors work. However, battery shows as “Unknown”. Is there anything I can do to force the battery sensor to work? Things I’ve tried:
Take the battery out and put it back in.
Re-pairing the device.
Rebooted Home Assistant
Is this something that will fix on its own or do I have a defective device?
I just got a bunch of centralite 3320-l sensors, (Iris) also zigbee with temp and battery and some showed up as unknown, I thought it was low battery as they were very old stock, new batteries had the same issue but ultimately they have all ended up populating the battery field eventually (within a day or so)
I have this USB dongle that has both z-wave and zigbee radios. I was able to redirect this device’s USB port (and respective radios) to my Home Asisstant VM using VirtualBox’s “USB filtering” option. After I did that, Home Assistant automatically detected the USB device and added the below integration automatically. This is the only way I could do it.
If I remember correctly, this is all I had to do after adding the Zigbee integration…
Put the battery in your Centralite motion detector, then push the pairing button (only button on the device) then go back to your zigbee integration in HA and click on the “configure” button, then select on the “Add device” button to start the search/pairing process.
This guidance from the Hubitat community helped me:
“Some of the centralite sensors don’t reset unless the button is released before the led goes out.
I generally pull the battery after the reset, put the hub in join mode, then put the battery back in the sensor.
They should be flashing blue when they have been reset and are ready to join.”
I just paired one of these door contact sensors. The Door contact status (open/close) and temp are working. Not the battery. I’ll see if the battery status shows up in the next day or so.
I have a Centralite 3328-C micro motion sensor with temp sensor included, I just pair it to my ZHA integration, but the temperature part says unknown.
Any help with this?