Challenge/errors with camera stream

Who has the solution?

I’m struggling a bit with my camera streams.
When restarting HA (in an hassio version on a NUC) everytime my log is full with:
Missing reference picture, default is 65568
Also, after clicking the picture-glance card to initiate the stream, the log is full of these errors.

My camera’s are 3x Foscam FI9900p that are set on a 720p/16fps/2M resolution.
My NUC is a D54250WYK Intel® Core™ i5-4250U Processor (up to 2.60 GHz) with 16GB and 120 GB SSD. Powerfull enough I thought.

Camera config:

platform: foscam
name: achterkant
ip: 192.168.1.xx
port: 88
#rtsp_port: 554
username: !secret camera_foscam_login
password: !secret camera_foscam_pw

who can help me?

I have the same configuration and problem.
In addition Home assistant seems to crash due to the camera’s. Do you have the same? I suspect the stream component is causing the issue but I have not found a solution. (Hassio 96)

not using same component but could be related issue

I found out what was the issue in my case.
The camera component from my Ring doorbell isn’t stream able, that is where the errors came from.