Hello all
I simply need to reach out to you before going insane…
I have a Samsung Washer and Smart refrigirator. As for all other possible devices, I’m mesuring power consumption. The refrigerator works fine, but the washer shows wrong values.
here’s a snap from my configuration.
Sensors : (the top one is the fridge)
From there I create the Reimann sensors: (please note the “Unit_prefix: k”, which could be the failing part. I’ll come back to that.
- platform: integration
name: reimann_koeleskab_forbrug_dag
source: sensor.mik_family_hub_energy
round: 2
unit_prefix: k
unit_time: d
method: left
- platform: integration
name: reimann_vaskemaskine_forbrug_dag
source: sensor.vaskemaskine_energy
round: 2
unit_prefix: k
unit_time: d
method: left
Here comes the strange part. If we look at the main sensors for the devices, and their usagepattern today, we can see that the Fridge has used a bit more than 1 kWh today, and the washer 0,5 kWh:
We then compare it with the values from the Ultility meters:
unique_id: koeleskab_forbrug_dag
source: sensor.reimann_koeleskab_forbrug_dag
cycle: daily
unique_id: vaskemaskine_forbrug_dag
source: sensor.reimann_vaskemaskine_forbrug_dag
cycle: daily
To have the correct values, we need to move the commas for both:
Fridge: 1.38 kWh
Washer: 0.4 kWh
As you can see, they are setup excatly the same, but the final values are different. One need comma move 2 times to the left and the other need to have the comma move one to the right.
I have playes around removing the “Unit_prefix: k” for the washer, but then it gives 40 kWh instead of 0.04 in the above picture.
The final utility graph (fridge in yellow and washer in red):
I can’t figure out why the same setup for both machines doesn’t give the same result, and will be thankfull for any help.