Change add-on name and sidebar name?

I am in the process of setting up my large Zigbee network and I will end up with five Zigbee2MQTT add-on instances - one for each TubesZB LAN coordinator.

So I wonder if it is possible to customize the name of the add-ons so that I can identify them before opening the settings.

The same would be great to the entries in the sidebar.

I am not sure if this would work, you have to test it.
Works for me for Addons:

  - name: panel-redirect
    url_path: redirect-supervisor
    sidebar_title: Supervisor
    sidebar_icon: mdi:home-assistant
    module_url: /local/panel-redirect.js
      target: /hassio/dashboard

(In configuration.yaml). You would need to find the url_path for zigbee2mqtt

Thanks Arturo.

I would like to test it. Any advice how to find out the url_path? How did you inspect the path of the panel-redirect?

What if you “hoover” over the side-bar ? , and/or click-open the Add-on, and look at the url, in top of your browser ?

use: GitHub - lovelylain/hass_ingress: Home Assistant ingress feature, add additional ingress panels to your Home Assistant frontend.