Change alarm ringtone of Mi Smart Home Hub

Hello guys,

I have one Mi Motion Sensor connected with Mi Smart Home Hub and I use the Mi Home app to do the automation. (Basically I want that the Mi Smart Home Hub fire an alarm or the smartphone starts to ring when the Mi Motion Sensor detects movements).
I already set alarm on Mi Smart Home Hub (and it works) but the sound of alarm is too low (even when the alert tone volume is high).
There is any away to change the ringtone alarm (to one that is higher than the original)?
Or other option is when the smartphone receive a notification (from the Mi Home) start to ring, but I don’t know if this is possible.

Any helps will be appreciated!

Hi Taigo,

Just wondering if you ever got a resolution to this? Also I have not been able to connect ANY of the devices attached to my Mi Smart Home Hub. Can you tell me how you did it?