Change color coding from driver from RGWB to RGB for LED stripes

Hi everybody,

I bought some days ago an affordable Zigbee driver for my HomeAssistant to make the 5m LED Stripe that I already have smart. When it arrived I found out, that the driver I am having already has one PIN less, it has RGB instead of RGWB that I have at the new one. Of course nearly all colors are switched now. Is there the possibility to change the color coding that the colors are displayed in HA in the correct way? I am using ZHA to connect them with zigpy-deconz and the driver is a LIGHTIFY Indoor Flex RGBW (if the Pins would have been in that order I would not have the problem) from OSRAM.
Kind regards!

Instead of trying to change the color order in Home Assistant, just change the order of the connections at the LED strip. When you turn the strip on to RED, if the GREEN LEDs turn on, move that colored wire t the green terminal and try again. LED strips are notoriously bad for mixing up the wire color/order.

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Thanks! Do you have an idea how to do this? I just found this on Amazon Seems like I can change the order of the colors quite easily or do you have a better idea on how to achive this?

That will depend entirely on how your strips connect to your LED controller. The “off the shelf” kind I’ve purchased have a separate screw terminal for each wire (R, G, B, W, V+), so, in my case, I’d just screw the “green” wire into the “red” terminal.

The product you’ve linked to on Amazon is one of many ways to link two strips together. You COULD pull the wires in that and reinsert them into the correct order, but, if you already have screw terminals on your device, changing them there seems a lot easier.