Change color of icon based on Percentage on Watch

I have a Apple Watch complication that shows the percentage of a bettery, i want to change the color of the icon or of the ring based on how much power is left in the battery.

WhatsApp Bild 2023-07-01 um 19.38.01

Is this Possible ?


I use the rather ratty code to do something similar, perhaps it might give you some ideas. There must be a cleaner way…

      - type: "custom:button-card"
        entity: sensor.backyard_govee_temperature
        icon: mdi:thermometer
        show_state: true
          - value: 120
            operator: '>='
            color: DarkRed
          - value: 110
            operator: '>='
            color: Firebrick
          - value: 100
            operator: '>='
            color: Red
          - value: 90
            operator: '>='
            color: OrangeRed
          - value: 80
            operator: '>='
            color: Orange
          - value: 75
            operator: '>='
            color: Yellow
          - value: 70
            operator: '>='
            color: Green
          - value: 60
            operator: '>='
            color: DarkCyan
          - value: 50
            operator: '>='
            color: Cyan
          - value: 40
            operator: '>='
            color: DeepSkyBlue
          - value: 30
            operator: '>='
            color: Blue
          - value: 20
            operator: '>='
            color: BlueViolet
          - value: 10
            operator: '>='
            color: Purple
          - value:
            operater: default
            color: Black

so is this possible to display on apple watch ?

Apologizes, I missed the ‘on the watch’ goal. That I have not tried. Good hunting!

alright, i try if i get it to work