Change color of two elements with one ID ? (2 light bulbs one switch)

Hi all

I have a room with two circles for the light bulbs I want them to both change color when light switch changes state. I can click one and it comes on and changes color, If I try and add the id to the second light bulb so that it also changes color, inkscape tells me this id is already taken.

Is there an easy way to do this (pretty new to HA / Yaml but learning)

Yeah, object IDs in an SVG have to be unique. I can think of two ways to turn your objects in to a single object so they can have one ID:

  • Select both objects (select the first, then hold shift and select the second), and go to Object -> Group to put them in a single group. Then you can give the group an ID.
  • Select both objects, and go to Path -> Combine, to combine the two objects to a single “path”. Then you can give that object an ID.

That will let you give both of your circles the same ID. But I’m not sure how Floorplan will interact with them. It may not work at all, and it may also register any touch in the space between them as touching inside one of the circles, and it may also do something unexpected.

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Hi Stibbons

Thanks for the detailed reply, I tried the group option and it works great, I do have these on a separate layers from the background, not sure if that helps with the space between.

on my desktop I cannot click the space between to turn on the light there is hand when i hover over the circles and and this turns into a standard arrow pointer in the space between.
On my phone i cannot turn on the light with the space between.

Thanks for the help this should get me out of trouble for now…and onto the next challenge :slight_smile: