Change default ID of Hue imported group?

I have 3 bulbs in my office room, all called “Office”, and then I have the group, called “Office”.

The entity is assigned to a light, and the light.office_4 is assigned to the group.

I found out how to change the ID of the light, editing the entity_registry.yaml, but I can’t find any file where the Hue discovered groups are listed.

How can I change its ID?

I had similar problems to you a while back and I wrote a script to help fix issues like those. Since you have added the Hue lights to your Home Assistant it should work without any input on your end.

I had never really used github and found it daunting at first so if you have questions about how to start using it send me a message I’d be glad to help.

If you are familiar with git you can always from a terminal:

git clone

If you aren’t familiar with git then you can just copy and paste the next line into a terminal:

curl -X GET >

It’s best to run the script from your Home Assistant configuration folder even though it should be able to find it automatically and get the info it needs. Then run the script:


It will read all your info from the Hue hub.

Select the Lights option to see all lights on your hub.

Select the number of the light you would like to change. These are the lights in my house so it will look a little different than yours. I selected [1] to see more information about my light named Entrance.

The prompt at the bottom gives you the option to rename the light by pressing [r] than enter. It prompts you for the new name and then prompts you to type [yes] to verify you want to save the changes.

It will attempt to save the changes to your Hub and let you know if it was successful then it will reload your info again and you should see the light renamed.

This may be overkill as a response but I had the images so I figured if it doesn’t help you it may help someone else.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks that’s great! Unfortunately I get this error when I try to run it from my home assistant config folder:

Unable to access Hue with information available. Please check settings and run again.
