I guess changing the default icon set for every device class would go to far (probably into Core settings).
For every other entity not having a device class assigned it’s a complete overkill to create an additional template sensor.
Real life use-case behind my question:
I have a switch.stove_vent entity with a stateless icon set.
What about the year of streamlining (user interface) experiences:
do you think a feature request to be able to set state sensitive icons instead of static ones (at least for simple domains with binary states like binary_sensor or switch) in the UI would be successful?
I don’t know if it would be successful, as I can’t predict the future, but a feature request for the frontend to support different icons based on an entity’s state seems like it’d be popular (based off of a quick Google search anyway).
@Tinkerer I just flashed my HA Blue and reinstalled a fresh copy of HA. While trying to get everything back up and running I got to the part that included my customize.yaml file. So at first, I thought that it wasn’t working but now it seems like only the templates are not working.
For example, this IS working. The icon and the friendly_name change correctly.
However, this is NOT working. Before I reinstalled HA I think it was still working fine. The icon and the icon_color changed based on the state of the 'input_boolean`. Did something change that affected this.?
EDIT: Disregard my question. I just realized that I was using the custom-ui integration and that was what was allowing me to do this. I forgot that templating is not a core part of customization… and actually, neither is icon-color.