Change from Fahrenheit to Celcius Tuya Device

Hello, I integrated my air conditions from TCL via Tuya but the temperature will shown in Fahrenheit and not in Celsius. I don‘t find a way to change it neither in Home Assistant nor on Tuya Website. Can you support and give me a tip?

Does the sensor show Fahrenheit, or is it actually Celsius, but the Measurement unit which are wrong ?
Could you open /Developer-Tools# States, and find the sensor.temperature ( Or what its called )
Take a screenshot ( of that only, not your whole screen ) :slightly_smiling_face: … and post it here

Or You could also just click on the sensor in the UI / Dashboard , then click on the cogwheel ( Up right corner) , there you see ( Unit of measurement ) … Change it to Celsius … should be that simple, but might not be , in your case

I Have exactly the same problem
the sensor is showing the actual temp in Fahrenheit ie 73F when i want to see it in celcius as its displayed on my tcl air con

i did open the state and copied this from it
hvac_modes: off, cool, heat, dry, fan_only, heat_cool
min_temp: 61
max_temp: 88
target_temp_step: 1
fan_modes: low, mid, high, auto
current_temperature: 75
temperature: 73
fan_mode: high
friendly_name: air con
supported_features: 393

hope someone can help
thanks in advance

Open your Dashboard, where you have the Card which shows the temperature-sensor
Then click the card ( so you get more-info-dialog, then click cock-wheel in top-right corner )