Change group/view visibility from input_select


I’ve succesfully managed to show a group based on an input_select using the group.set_visibility service depending on the selection made.

Since it is a ‘developers’ group i only want to show when in developer mode, i would have hoped it to be possible to change the View state of that group also, and show the group as a Tab/View. I’ve been experimenting (check the ## in below script) with the group.set but without any luck…

I can get the group to show when stating View: true , but then it always shows, even when the group itself is set to have group.set_visibilty: false.

How could i do this, preferably within the below code:

# Mode Developer
  alias: Developer mode selected
    - service: input_select.select_option
        entity_id: input_select.ha_mode
        option: Developer
    - service: group.set_visibility
      entity_id: group.developer
        visible: True
#    - service: group.set
#      data:
#        object_id: Developer
#        view: true
#        visible: true
    - service: notify.ios_telefoonmhb
        title: Mode Selection
        message: "Ready for some serious development!"

I am seriously confused about the object_id because of the feedback the dev-tools give me in Hassio…suggesting i should try “groupdeveloper” which does nothing, and that is to be expected of course since it doesn’t exist…

    name: Developer
    icon: mdi:developer-board
#    view: true
      - script.mode_normal
      - script.reload_summary
      - script.refresh
      - script.reload_frontend
      - script.restart_ha
      - group.developer_links

Please have a look and see what I could do to make this work.

It appears the set_visibility is ignored if view: true. If that is the expected behavior, the docs probably need to be updated.