How do you change the name of the HA server that is reported by the network?
Installation type: Home Assistant Operating System on a Raspberry Pi 4.
For example, if I run the Home Assistant App on an iPad/iPhone, it will search the local network and list all instances of HA servers that it finds. The list includes the IP address as well as a name associated with the address. How do I change that name?
Hmmm. That’s what I would have thought but it wasn’t the name I was looking for. Apparently the app uses the Name in Settings > System > General. In hindsight, my question was misleading.
My problem was that after changing it, I was just restarting Home Assistant and apparently it needed a system reboot to take effect.
from the cli:
$ login
# hostnamectl set-hostname homezero
# reboot
When the reboot has completed, home assistant should be available here: http://homezero.local:8123/