Change HAOS web port (and ssl issue)

EDIT / UPDATE: I incorrectly thought that during setup HAOS generates its own SSL certificates, I’m finding out that’s not the case. So my question below is Irrelevant / wrong and this can be closed out (ill just use lets enc to make my own certs, and change port , and point ssl arguments in config.yaml to the new lets enc generated certs.)

my HAOS is internal access only (local network, If I’m ever external I access it over a VPN). so no pubIP port forwards, on router, at all.

Im trying to change to (or really which is same as :443)

I dont want to use nginix, nor nginx proxy manager. Im trying to avoid lets encrypt add-on, as i want to use the default certs that are already in HAOS, somewhere (im assuming they were generated a few days ago when i installed / first setup HAOS, which is running on esxi). I say this as SSL is working if i visit via the default port:

i have edited config/configuration.yaml , and always do “check configuration” before restarting.

I think my question here is, what is the path to the default HAOS ssl certs? (ie the ones that are created at setup and used for :8123 ?). I have tried find / -ipath "*lets*" since the default ssl certs used by default :8123 have to be somewhere (but i cant find them).

this works (but wo SSL ofcouse):

cat config/configuration.yaml

  server_port: 80  # Change this to your desired HTTPS port
  #ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem  # Path to your SSL certificate
  #ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem  # Path to your SSL key

and then in webBrowser use (if i try https:// i get SSL SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG im assuming because im not pointing to the ssl cert / key via ssl_key: and ssl_certificate:

thus if i can point those 2x config vars to the default HAOS cert/key, i think i should be in good shape.

thank you for your time.