You have a select entity, but seems you would like a switch entity.
You can’t change how a select displays, but you can make a duplicate template switch entity that changes the value of the select when it is turned on/off.
I got started making Vacation Mode select popup into a switch using Templates in the visual editor. It mostly works…
Flipping the Vacation mode switch changes the mode, BUT then moves the switch back to off (even though the lock vacation mode has been changed and stays ON). The switch state isn’t sticky.
So I’m trying to create another version, using YAML this time (not the graphical editor) to better understand how it all works. Displays fine, but is not actually changing the vacation mode state of the doorlock. The card using this template reflects the state. but clicking the switch just toggles the state briefly. Which isn’t surprising, as I don’t see how the code is actually changing the value…