Change input select using MQTT

Hi guys,
I am moving from Domoticz to Home Assistant. I updated my coffeemachine with a NodeMCU which can detect the state of the machine (brewing, heating, idle, off, error) and allows me to turn the machine on/off and brew remotely.

I created this NodeMCU device when I only had domoticz and therefore it sends messages directly to domoticz. The switches for machine on/off and brew on/off I can easily include in Home Assistant throught MQTT messages from domoticz.

However, the state of the machine is captured in a so called selector in Domoticz. I can acces the current state through MQTT, e.g.:

	"Battery" : 255,
	"LastUpdate" : "2023-02-17 11:12:21",
	"LevelActions" : "||||",
	"LevelNames" : "Off|HeatingUp|HeatedIdle|Brewing|Error",
	"LevelOffHidden" : "false",
	"RSSI" : 12,
	"SelectorStyle" : "0",
	"description" : "",
	"dtype" : "Light/Switch",
	"hwid" : "2",
	"id" : "0001412B",
	"idx" : 219,
	"name" : "coffeeMachineState",
	"nvalue" : 0,
	"stype" : "Selector Switch",
	"svalue1" : "0",
	"switchType" : "Selector",
	"unit" : 1

The svalue1 variable indicates the state, so it can be “0”, “10”, “20”, …

How do I properly get this state in Home Assistant? I tried using mqtt select, with no luck. The state is always “Test Select”. The other states are available in the dropdown, but the current state does not get updated.

  - name: "Test Select"
    command_topic: "domoticz/out/coffeeMachineState"
    state_topic: "domoticz/out/coffeeMachineState"
    value_template:  |-
      {% if value_json.svalue1 == '0' %}
      {% elif value_json.svalue1 == '10' %}
      {% elif value_json.svalue1 == '20' %}
      {% elif value_json.svalue1 == '30' %}
      {% elif value_json.svalue1 == '40' %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}"
      - "Off"
      - "HeatingUp"
      - "HeatedIdle"
      - "Brewing"
      - "Error"