Change language of a timestamp template sensor

I´ve got a template sensor telling me when it was last vacuumed. Is there a way to change the language of the day and month to norwegian?

- platform: template
      friendly_name: 'Sist gang støvsugd'
      value_template: '{{ (as_timestamp(states.sensor.roborock_vacuum_a15_last_clean_start.last_changed)) | timestamp_custom("%A, %d. %B %H:%M") }}' 

Gives me:
Monday, 05. December 17:22

and I would like

Mandag 05. Desember 17:22

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I was under the same impression, apparently it is not. You may adapt this snippet to achieve your goal (same idea for months)

  - sensor:
    - name: jour_fr
      unique_id: 9dd5782d-83c4-401c-afcf-5cd83232bde7
      state: >
        {% set jour = ["Dimanche", "Lundì", "Mardì", "Mercredì", "Jeudi", "Vendredì", "Samedi"] %}
        {% set jour = jour[now().weekday()] %}
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So with this one I can use it to give me when an automation was last triggered:

{% set t = state_attr('automation.automatisk_lys_bad_2_etg', 'last_triggered') %}
{{ "%s %d. %s kl %02d:%02d" %
   t.minute) }}

But how can I make the same thing work with a sensor or light, which doesn’t have the attribute “last_triggered”?

Entities have a last_changed property that can be accessed using the state object:

{{ states.light.kitchen_light.last_changed }}

Tried this:

{% set t = states('roborock_vacuum_a15_last_clean_start.last_changed') %}
{{ "%s %d. %s kl %02d:%02d" %
   t.minute) }}

Just gives me:

UndefinedError: 'str object' has no attribute 'weekday'

You used the states() function instead of the state object method I showed in my previous post… and your entity is missing its domain.

{% set t = states.sensor.roborock_vacuum_a15_last_clean_start.last_changed %}
{{ "%s %d. %s kl %02d:%02d" %
   t.minute) }}


Thank you! Did the trick :smiley: