Hi all !
I’ve looked at @killsystem 's script for changing the brightness of my light based on the time and day.
Here’s what I came up with:
- id: '1537017023952' alias: Kitchen - LiFx Movement On trigger: - entity_id: binary_sensor.multisensor_motion_sensor_sensor_kitchen from: 'off' platform: state to: 'on' condition: - below: '200' condition: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.multisensor_motion_sensor_luminance_kitchen action: - alias: '' data: entity_id: light.lifx_z_28dcd8_kitchen brightness: > {% set hour=states("sensor.time").split(':')[0] | int %} {% set dayOfWeek=now().weekday() %} {%- if hour >= 0 and hour < 3 and dayOfWeek in [5,6] -%} 150 {%- elif hour >= 5 and hour < 6 and dayOfWeek in [0,1,2,3,4] -%} 75 {%- elif hour >= 6 and hour < 8 and dayOfWeek in [0,1,2,3,4] -%} 180 {%- elif hour >= 6 and hour < 8 and dayOfWeek in [5,6] -%} 75 {%- elif hour >= 8 and hour < 23 -%} 255 {%- elif hour >= 23 and hour < 24 and dayOfWeek in [4,5] -%} 255 {%- elif hour >= 23 and hour < 24 and dayOfWeek in [0,1,2,3,6] -%} 150 {%- else -%} 1 {%- endif %} service: light.turn_on
And I’m coming up with this error:
Error while executing automation automation.kitchen_lifx_movement_on. Invalid data for call_service at pos 1: expected int for dictionary value @ data['brightness']
Do you know what could be happening ?
Thanks in advance for your help !