Change Lovelace code editor text color

Can anyone advise what I should update in my theme .yaml file to change the color of the blue text in the Lovelace code editor example below. It’s very hard to read as it is:

*EDIT - In my yaml theme file I don’t have any text defined as blue so I’m assuming this may be HA defined? But if I change input-fill-color: to white, to be able to read the blue more easily, the white text will become unreadable.


There are other variables for the code editor:

  codemirror-property: '#ff8000' # orange
  codemirror-string: '#e0b400' # yellow
  codemirror-keyword: '#e45e65' # red
  codemirror-number: '#039be5' # blue
  codemirror-comment: '#0da035' # green
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Great, thanks @tom_l I managed to use the two above successfully to change colours to be readable.

Thanks for the quick reply.

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