Change Markdown Card content based of the day of the week

I’m trying to create a Markdown Card that changes its content (some fixed text) based on the day of the week

So, something like

if Monday:
    content = "This is the text for Monday"
if Tuesday:
    content = "This is the text for Tuesday"

I guess I should use the time condition, probably. What I don’t want to do is to create one card and one trigger for each day

Any ideas?

type: markdown
content: >
  {% if now().weekday() == 0 %}
    Ugh Monday 🌧️
  {% elif now().weekday() == 1 %}
    Taco Tuesday 🌮
  {% elif now().weekday() == 2 %}
    Hump Day 🐪
  {% elif now().weekday() == 3 %}
    Thorsday  ⚡
  {% elif now().weekday() == 4 %}
    Poets Day 🕓
  {% elif now().weekday() == 5 %}
    Catturday 🐈
  {% elif now().weekday() == 6 %}
    Funday 🎉
  {% endif %}
{% set content =
  ['Monday message',
  'Tuesday message',
  'Wednesday message',
  'Thursday message',
  'Friday message',
  'Saturday message',
  'Sunday message'][now().weekday()] %}
{{ content }}