Change mdi to png at mijn afvalwijzer


i want to use gft.png at my afvalwijzer.

What is wrong with this?

This is What i see…

nobody who can help me with this?

Your linking to 3 different locations. None of which are correct.
Those files do not exist in the “afvalwijzer” custom_components, but the entity should generate the icon automatically and you do not need to make a custom sensor.

How did you install this?

Thx for your replica,

A friend of my did it, u just wanted to change the looks.

Can you tell me how i can get it fixed?

I know i have 3 different file locations. Was just to test.

Remove those entries from customize.yaml then the original icons should show up.
Tho that also depends on which card you use and if it has icons enabled.

Thats just the problem, i dont want the icons. I want som Nice pictures.

  friendly_name: GFT
  entity_picture: /local/images/afval_gft.png
  friendly_name: PMD
  entity_picture: /local/images/afval_pmd_small.png
  friendly_name: Papier
  entity_picture: /local/images/afval_papier_small.png
  friendly_name: Restafval
  entity_picture: /local/images/afval_rest_small.png

*Change the entity names and the image names, do NOT change the path unless you understand how to use them!

Make sure the files are located in the following folder /www/images/ so in your explorer/finder view you will see a path like /www/images/GFT.png. To understand path a bit better, when the www path is referred to in any configuration, you must refer to it as /local/. So the folder is called /www/ but when used in configuration it must be called /local/. E.g. a file located in /www/images/ will be referred to in the configuration as /local/images/.

Now we go back and take a look at the example above, you see the following:

  entity_picture: /local/images/afval_gft.png

This just means that the file is actually here /www/images/afval_gft.png.

Good luck!

If your friend just did it, ask him!!

Thx, all Worked, only my pmd sensor was called milieubus. Changed that, and its fixed.