Change of entity name

Hi, first post here so forgive me if it’s in the wrong section. :wink

When I added MyVaillant from HACS I just gave it a name (Casa Rodriguillo) but now all entities starts with this long name. I cannot change it, tried the option below: Bulk renaming of related entities - #18 by torano
But that doesn’t work for me, still every entity starts with casa rodriguillo. So I removed and uninstalled the My Vaillant integration, downloaded, installed etc. but is still starts with that name.

It’s so basic imho, but it seems not possible

How do I get rid of that name? Since there are no automations yet it is OK to delete and add it.

Click on the entity in the dashboard. Click on the cog icon in the upper right of the pop-up card. Rename the entity.

Does not accept the name change, besides that Then I need to change about 100 of entities

Go to Setting/Device-Service , click the integration, choose a device, rename it, when it ask if you want to rename all entities click yes

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That’s the entity id. The name is at the top of the card. Under your blue arrow and above the icon option. Where it says “Name”.

And the reason it is invalid is that, unlike names, entity ids can not contain anything except lower case letters, numbers and underscores (_).

ok, thanks. getting there. However while renaming I named both devices Vaillant see image below instead keep the rest and only removing Casa Rodriguillo… Is there a way to revert it?

Also, I need to to this for all 12 devices (in my case) of My Vaillant I assume

Various ways, one is removing one of the Devices and add it again, or remove your integration, clean your DB , scripts and automations etc ( kind of cumbersome ) , but atleast you get a change to get it right from beginning.
As some or “stored” in “system-files” core-entity/core-devices/core-config etc, beside DB, it’s sometimes could be easier to start over

For i.e every IP devices i have, i initially Name(rename) them, when i add them to my network, that way, they all are named (as i like, same in Router, Brand-APP, and in HA-Integrations ) when i eventually add them in HA, in both Router-integration(trackers) and Brand-Integration.
In UI, i sometimes want/need a more “describing name” that is done in the Card, as a header, or separate, header/name (entity/device is still named the same in Brand APP, Router/Zigbee-hub, And HA.Integration

Same goes for zigbee-devices, i pair-them & and name them, so HA “retrieve” the names i want

When i add/re-add a device, i Do the same( as mentioned) in HA-Integrations, Name the Device, choose re-name entities ( if that’s the name i want ) i make sure every entity have the name i want.

For some integrations , i want ( Device- Names , easy way to related the entities ) others i want “function” or i.e Area

I Also try to not name Anything with loooong names, or “redundant” names/information
( Casa Rodriguillo Valiant Zone ) , is one such example :wink: ( To many redundant bits N bytes ) … And i noticed you even use (parentheses) in your names, not good.

Yes, i also started , with i.e “default” names, and in some cases i just removed the integration, "dumped the DB-file, disable/deleted automations etc ( meaning copy/pasted them into a txt-file ) and started over

Btw, it’s a good/extra backup, copy every .yaml files, etc, so you have a .txt-files storage, on external device for editing C/P in case of needed etc.

Most important is to find a “naming” strategy which suits you, we all have our “own ticks” to make life less complicated

As your “Device” seems to be from a “Manufactor Valiant” I would not use the same whole name again, but instead i.e
VaC 1 ( Valiant Circuit 1 ) entity_id would be sensor.vac_1, or switch.vac_1 , And if possible add it to an “area” , And in your Dashboard/Cards, name it as you like/prefer there.

A switch will always be named " switch.whatever " a Sensor " sensor.whatever " every Device which belongs to a “Domain” , so i find it redundant to name an entity switch.my_switch_bedroom , i know it’s a bloody switch :slight_smile: , i know a camera is a camera, a sensor is a sensor

Here is an example for inspiration, but as mention , it varies depending upon integration etc.
But all Temperature-device( 3 different Integrations/Brands) follows this “pattern”


This way i find it easy to use i.e Domain/Entity-Globs or i.e Area

Below another " Tapo Camera C200 Livingroom" <<< Totally redundant information, in an ( There is +50 Entities for this Device )

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Yes, thank you for your extensive answer!