Various ways, one is removing one of the Devices and add it again, or remove your integration, clean your DB , scripts and automations etc ( kind of cumbersome ) , but atleast you get a change to get it right from beginning.
As some or “stored” in “system-files” core-entity/core-devices/core-config etc, beside DB, it’s sometimes could be easier to start over
For i.e every IP devices i have, i initially Name(rename) them, when i add them to my network, that way, they all are named (as i like, same in Router, Brand-APP, and in HA-Integrations ) when i eventually add them in HA, in both Router-integration(trackers) and Brand-Integration.
In UI, i sometimes want/need a more “describing name” that is done in the Card, as a header, or separate, header/name (entity/device is still named the same in Brand APP, Router/Zigbee-hub, And HA.Integration
Same goes for zigbee-devices, i pair-them & and name them, so HA “retrieve” the names i want
When i add/re-add a device, i Do the same( as mentioned) in HA-Integrations, Name the Device, choose re-name entities ( if that’s the name i want ) i make sure every entity have the name i want.
For some integrations , i want ( Device- Names , easy way to related the entities ) others i want “function” or i.e Area
I Also try to not name Anything with loooong names, or “redundant” names/information
( Casa Rodriguillo Valiant Zone ) , is one such example
( To many redundant bits N bytes ) … And i noticed you even use (parentheses) in your names, not good.
Yes, i also started , with i.e “default” names, and in some cases i just removed the integration, "dumped the DB-file, disable/deleted automations etc ( meaning copy/pasted them into a txt-file ) and started over
Btw, it’s a good/extra backup, copy every .yaml files, etc, so you have a .txt-files storage, on external device for editing C/P in case of needed etc.
Most important is to find a “naming” strategy which suits you, we all have our “own ticks” to make life less complicated
As your “Device” seems to be from a “Manufactor Valiant” I would not use the same whole name again, but instead i.e
VaC 1 ( Valiant Circuit 1 ) entity_id would be sensor.vac_1, or switch.vac_1 , And if possible add it to an “area” , And in your Dashboard/Cards, name it as you like/prefer there.
A switch will always be named " switch.whatever " a Sensor " sensor.whatever " every Device which belongs to a “Domain” , so i find it redundant to name an entity switch.my_switch_bedroom , i know it’s a bloody switch
, i know a camera is a camera, a sensor is a sensor
Here is an example for inspiration, but as mention , it varies depending upon integration etc.
But all Temperature-device( 3 different Integrations/Brands) follows this “pattern”
This way i find it easy to use i.e Domain/Entity-Globs or i.e Area
Below another " Tapo Camera C200 Livingroom" <<< Totally redundant information, in an ( There is +50 Entities for this Device )