If I change the unit_of_measurement via customizing from an entity to %, where the default unit_of_measurement is set as #, why is the graph still showing the old/default unit_of_measurement?
No, I only want to see % display instead of #. Nothing else and no conversion or calculation. This is already the case for the state, but not in the graph.
the history graphs show history… When you hover over an item in the past, it’s going to show the item’s unit of measurement from that point in time. If it’s occurring on the latest after the change, refresh your cache.
Did this before. Even with another fresh browser. Change was some hours ago. But every value since then is displayed still as # as before. The 24 in the screenshot hover box was % at this point of time.
I believe it is my understanding that the graph will continue to show the old UOM until that UOM gets removed from your history by a purge of old data and then it will switch to the new one.
so you may have to wait until however long your history records things (I think 10 days is default) before it will switch over.
Ah. O.k. This could make sense. Thought about this regarding the y-axis already as well, but was nut sure anymore, because of the tooltips of the latest measurements, which should be already stored as %.
Feedback after some testing. It takes not the oldest existing unit in the recorder, it takes the oldest/first unit from the displayed timeframe. For the y-axis AND for the over-box for every value in the showed timeframe (independently of the stored unit).
Here as feedback as well for questions from others in the future: As far as I can see, it is neither relating to cache nor the case, that the units as shown as stored at each point in time.