Change parameters for an automation in the frontend dashboard

hi all, how can i change the value ot an automation in a frontend dashboard? something like the value of the temperature of the living roon to activate the heat? or the temperature of the pool to start heating the water?
maybe input boolean… but im a like lost.

For the temperature in the living room you can do a thermostat. It looks like this:

Screenshot from 2024-01-28 09-20-31

For the input values I have a lot of time based triggers that are set by input value:

These are all standard cards in Lovelace.

You can create the Helpers from Settings → Devices & services → Helpers. There will be a create helpers button in the bottom right. For the display I use the entities card which is directly available in Lovelace.

For the Thermostat, I use the simple thermostat card. I downloaded and installed that from hacs.

I also do this for irrigation:

in triying without luck;(

my automation… its not working… not make anything

alias: piscina
description: “”

  • platform: numeric_state
    • sensor.living_clima_temperature
      above: input_number.termostato_piscina
      id: apagar piscina
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
  • platform: numeric_state
    • sensor.living_clima_temperature
      id: prender piscina
      below: input_number.termostato_piscina
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
  • choose:
    • conditions:
      • condition: trigger
        • apagar piscina
      • service: input_boolean.turn_off
        entity_id: input_boolean.termostato_on_off_piscina
        data: {}
    • conditions:
      • condition: trigger
        • prender piscina
      • service: input_boolean.turn_on
        entity_id: input_boolean.termostato_on_off_piscina
        data: {}
        mode: single

It seems like you are trying to do with an automation what can be done with a thermostat card.

Here is a screenshot of adding the card

You can also do a generic thermostat where you provide a temperature entity and a controlling entity.

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Thanks! but I can’t set a specific temperature… (heat or cold) :frowning:

Can you set the mode from heat/cool to heat or cool?