Change register value for MPR121 sensor

Hello together,

I’m focusing a problem where I need some help. I wanted to use a MPR121 sensor for a cap sense button behind ceramic tile (~5mm thick). For this purpose I need to adjust the register value for MPR121_CONFIG1 which is set to the standard value 0x10 acc. to the API reference (ESPHome: /opt/build/esphome/esphome/components/mpr121/mpr121.h File Reference).
Since the integration has no configuration variable to do it and my programming skills are bad, I’m struggling on the question is it possible and how can I adjust this value? I hope somebody can help me with my problem :wink:

What does CONFIG1 control?

Within the register you can set the Charge Discharge Current and First Filter Iterations value. The first is the important setting for me to get working touch sensing for the thick ceramic material. With standard values, the baseline value is very low and the delta between baseline value and touch value is to small for usable touch detection. I used the Arduino Adafruit library to find working values for my application.