Change reporting value from Wi-Fi strength to battery

I have a ring alarm setup properly but I want one of my sensors to default reporting a battery value NOT wifi strength. Both are available when looking at the entity.

Any ideas how to make it show battery in Lovelace?


Template sensor using the entity’s battery attribute:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.my_entity','battery_attribute_name') | float }}"
        unit_of_measurement : 'V' 
        device_class: 'battery'

Hi I added that but my sensor.side_info still reports wifi strength;
Here is my entity:
Side Info sensor.side_info MQTT

Here are the Lovelace screen shot

Screen Shot 2021-02-18 at 9.59.14 AM

And my config.yaml

Example configuration.yaml entry


  • platform: template



    value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.side_info','battery_attribute_name') | float }}"
    unit_of_measurement : 'V' 
    device_class: 'battery'![Screen Shot 2021-02-18 at 10.07.21 AM|689x314](upload://jxk21raUZ0BsFlIRTECaE58ijS6.png)![Screen Shot 2021-02-18 at 10.01.56 AM|443x500](upload://iPQ2bAdMPPOelpx8T5TCgIQaYGo.png) ![Screen Shot 2021-02-18 at 9.59.14 AM|399x440](upload://rV36EvZWC7ZVePUPqE5AMiPSJMW.png)

And this is whats in the lovelace card

My example source generates a entity named “sensor.my_battery_sensor”. Did you include that in the UI?

I did now but it reports 0

I don’t think, that the entity’s battery attribute is name battery_attribute_name, that was just an example …

It looks like from the sensor info you posted you need to change the attribute to “BatteryLevel”?

And change the unit of measurement to percent (%) not volts (V).

  - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.side_info','BatteryLevel') | float }}"
        unit_of_measurement : '%' 
        device_class: 'battery'

If it doesn’t work then check the info for both entity_id and the attribute for battery level in the states page and make them both match exactly in the template.

This is the info in Developer >stats of the sensor in question.
How would I get the proper attribute name?

batteryLevel is the attribute name

It’s … “batteryLevel”, tadaaa! And it’s not voltage, but percentage. So finity was close (except for the capital ‘B’)

  - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.side_info','batteryLevel') | float }}"
        unit_of_measurement : '%' 
        device_class: 'battery'

LOL, A quick Google and I changed it.
Thanks for the help. It now works! :>)


Google …

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You’re welcome…

Thank you so very much to all!!!

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