Change sensor float to European notation

My sensor sends the following MQTT payload pressure in hPa:


This value is displayed as 1.014,9 in an entities card:


How can I display this value in format 1014.9? (Remove dot for thousands)

If your locale is currently supported, then make sure your browser locale is correct. Otherwise you just need to wait until the locale is supported.

Comma for thousands and full-stop for decimal point is the English language default.

Thanks for your fast reply. Unfortunately, I tried different browsers with different locals such as English UK and Dutch, but the display format did not change.

I’ll check / open an issue in the front-end tomorrow.

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Related frontend issues incorrect number formatting:

It looks like number formatting is inconsistent between cards, even with a fixed configuration.yaml:

  unit_system: metric
  time_zone: Europe/Amsterdam

Not related to regional setting in web browsers.