Change setpoint of climate entity according to current temperature?

Good evening all.

I own a Gree mini split AC and I use it to heat a part of my home in the winter as it’s more energy efficient.

The thing is, the internal temperature sensor is placed in such a way that in heating mode, it always sense the room temperature is higher than it actually is.

I do have a thermostat from an electrical baseboard heating system that can provide me with more accurate temp readings.

I’ve got my automation largely figured out, what I would like to achieve though is in the actions part.

I would like my set AC’s temperature to set itself higher than the internal temperature sensor. When the AC does start, it drops right away to the correct temperature. Once the temperature starts rising, I would like the setpoint to go back down to a sensible level.

How can I achieve this? Do I need a template or something similar?

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I kept on reading up and was able to find the solution in another thread.

Here is what worked for me:

service: climate.set_temperature
  temperature: "{{state_attr('climate.climatisation', 'temperature') | int + 1}}"
  device_id: 64bfa1752510b1baf9d7130e80a621ed