I am farily new and i have Saswell SEA802DF and the SASWG-04-RF-WIFI for controlling them.
However the temprature tolerance between any action is to high - now it is 1.6. Meaning when i have set temp at 22 the valve closes when temp reach 23.6!!! And starts at 20.4. This should be like 0.2-0.4!
Any suggestions how to fix/program this? Suggestions on other TRV’s?
I also have the Saswell TRVs (rebranded as Hama here in Germany), and I am also quite annoyed that the temperature tolerance is so high. They easily overshoot the target temperature by 2 degrees, both above and below.
Have you found a way to change the tolerance? Have you found a different TRV model that works better?
Same here. I have 8 SEA802 and none of them follow the target. They open and close randomly with +/- 3 degrees difference! Also the window detection is not working on any of them.
Is it possible that they need some ‘training’ like I heard from other devices? Is it getting better??