Change The IMAP Email Content Integration to Allow Folder Names That Start With The @ Character

In the IMAP Email Content Integration you can specify a folder to check, however if a folder has a name with an “@” as the first character it tells you there is an error.

There is a good reason to use the “@” as the first character in a folder name, most programs will do an alpha sort of folder names, this is a problem if you have an important folder you want at the top but it starts with a letter near the end of the alphabet (example “receipts”). If you change “receipts” to “@receipts” it will now be alpha sorted to the top of the list. If you have a few “@” folders you can use “@@” to force that folder to be at the top.

Using “@” folder prefix has been a productivity tool that’s been around for years, David Allen author of Getting Things Done recommends using this.

Dont think so as the @ is used as a Wildcard in searches

did you try the ~

when i was in IT Help desk that was a trick i would pass on but ’

then I started see
@@@@@@@@@@My suff
@@@@@@@@other stuff

I would laugh

Is there a way to escape the @ character the way you can escape wildcards and special characters in regex statements?