I have a tilt sensor that I am using to track if the garage door is open or closed…
Its name is:
It currently is on (open) or off (closed)
How can I change its icon to show mdi:garage for closed and mdi-garage-open for when its open and change its results to be the same?
I tried creating a template to a fake garage_door entity but that didnt work
Just customize binary_sensor.ecolink_garage_door_tilt_sensor_sensor using device_class: garage. It will change the icon for you and you won’t need to create a template sensor.
When I Render the garage_door… it thinks its always Open and the tilt sensor does show off (closed) and when I click Down or stop it doesnt call the switch…
Got some spelling errors on your entity_ids for stop cover and you don’t need the icon template with device_class garage. Device class will handle translation and icon