is it possible to change the value of a binary sensor in a autoamtion.
I can change it with the developertools / state change
Yes (using a workaround that has certain limitations) but why do you want to do that?
The binary sensor’s integration is responsible for managing its state value. What is your binary sensor’s integration?
Got a kerui doorsensor that gives two entities, one for open one for close…
So i want to promote one of them to master and update the master when the other entity is updated…
both entities keep there original value open or close…
Create a template sensor that uses the two entities to return just open or closed?
Do what steve_jo suggested. It’s better than attempting to force a binary sensor’s state.
template is the solution…
used this video to understand how templates work, i am a newbie that used domoticz and lua/dzvents for years… now trying something new!
Thanks to all
Post the configuration of the Template Sensor you created.