Change the value of a sensor


I need to change the value returned by a sensor (| float -5) . To do that I use template:

But unfortunately it does not works. In the lovelace, I get:
T ext Inconnu (unknown in french)

What I’m doing wrong ?
In this example I do not change the sensor value, I 1st just want want to display the value returned by the sensor

- platform: template                
          - sensor.oregontemphygro_3d0a_temp
        friendly_name: "T ext"              
        value_template: "{{ states.sensor.oregontemphygro_3d0a_temp.state }}"   

Change the name of the template sensor. Currently, its name is identical to the sensor it is monitoring.

If this is the correct name of the actual temperature sensor:


then change the template sensor’s name to something different:


Try this:

- platform: template                
        entity_id: sensor.oregontemphygro_3d0a_temp
        friendly_name: "T ext"              
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.oregontemphygro_3d0a_temp') | float - 5 }}"   
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it works !

Hi Taras, I’m having the same issue as Frank.

I cant figure out what is wrong. May you point me in right direction?

This is my configuration yaml

Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.


Load frontend themes from the themes folder

themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml


  • platform: pioneer
    port: 8102
    name: VSX-1122

platform: template
entity_id: sensor.maquina_lavar_loica_power
friendly_name: “Maquina Lavar Loica”
value_template: “{{ (states(‘sensor.maquina_lavar_loica_power’) | float) | abs | round(0) }}”

  entity_id: sensor.maquina_lavar_roupa_power
  friendly_name: "Maquina Lavar Roupa"              
  value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.maquina_lavar_loica_roupa') | float) | abs | round(0) }}"

2 things -

It’s difficult to tell because you haven’t formatted the code properly, but it looks like you are missing the sensor: key before you started saying - platform: template

But in any case number 2 -
There is no need to set this specific sensor up in YAML, you can do this in the UI in Devices and Services > Helpers > Template > Sensor


What should I fill in state template?

Whatever you would normally have put in value_template

Hi, I added this function. Im receiving negative values from this sensor.

I would like to filter negative values to 0. The result I receive is unavailable. I dont understand why. May someone give some input?

type or paste code here
`Hi, I added this function. Im receiving negative values from this sensor.

I would like to filter negative values to 0. The result I receive is unavailable. I dont understand why. May someone give some input?

{% if states("sensor.maquina_lavar_loica_power") >= 0 %}
 {{ states("sensor.maquina_lavar_loica_power") | round (2)}}
{% else %}
{% endif %}`

states(sensor) returns a string, it has to be converted to do maths with it.

{% if states("sensor.maquina_lavar_loica_power")|float(0) >= 0 %}
 {{ states("sensor.maquina_lavar_loica_power")|float(0) | round (2)}}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

but can be done in less lines with:

{% set v = states('sensor.maquina_lavar_loica_power')|float(0) %}
{{ 0 if v < 0 else v|round(2) }}

It worked! Thank you!

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