Change timer on telldus live component


I would like to poll the Telldus Live more often for status updates as Im using it for a doorbell function. This is the component:

Can I use this:

in combination with changing the following in the source code of the component?

MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_SWITCH_UPDATES = timedelta(minutes=1)
MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_SENSOR_UPDATES = timedelta(minutes=5)

If I do want to change the source code - do I need to recompile something or is interpreted. If so can I just change the file below and reload hass?


Thanks for any help.

I have tried changing timedelta(minutes=1) into timedelta(seconds=1) as I have the same issue as you. Also try adding scan_interval: but does not help :frowning:

You should be able to change the interval in the source and re-run. The initial poll interval was chosen to be kind to the Telldus Live servers. Their API documentation also mentions a polling interval limit somewhere.

I also have a door sensor and I think a polling based approach is inadequate for this scenario. The Tellstick Net device can be set to broadcast all events on the local network, in addition to communicating with the Telldus Live servers. This way it is possible for HA to get instant notification of sensor updates etc from the Tellstick Net device, instead of polling the Telldus Live servers. A first attempt to implement support for this is available at - please feel free to contribute!

This issue is solved in (configurable via update_interval, default set to 1 minute, min set to 5 seconds)