Change value of number in node red


I have added GitHub - binsentsu/home-assistant-solaredge-modbus: Home assistant Component for reading data locally from Solaredge inverter through modbus TCP to my HA implementation.

Now I am trying to change the value of “number.solaredge_active_power_limit” to 0 in node red when the energyprice becomes below 0:

I keep getting errors though, anyone a suggestion?

Thank you, much appreciated!

{"value": 0 }

I’m having the some problem. Did it worked?

I get the following errror: “call service node is missing api “service” property, not found in config or payload”

I got it resolved with the above configuration. Kudos to Kermit… I was in the assumption that I already tried that configuration / solution a few times, but apparantly in my trial / error method of working I missed out on this combination :wink: